The Prize //
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD (DDAA), established in 2005, honours the most influential artists in the area of digital art for their life’s work or for an important series of works. The award is the first major international one of its kind and is bestowed for exceptional achievements in the area of digital art.
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD is endowed with 20,000 Euros and is awarded every two years. The laureate is celebrated the following year with a solo exhibtion at our partner institution along with a catalogue.
The award is presented by the Digital Art Museum (DAM), started in 1998 by the founder and director Wolf Lieser. DAM launched as virtual museum at in 2000. Derived from that the first gallery opened in 2003 in the centre of Berlin. Today the name DAM enjoys an international reputation, while the online museum has become one of the leading and most influential sources for digital art worldwide. In addition to its main sectors of activities involving classical exhibitions on the premises in Berlin and the dissemination and archiving of information, the objective of its museum activities is to ensure that fifty years of international digital art and its claim to great experimental and innovative spirit are afforded due regard and recognition.
Patronage 2008/09
Mr. Klaus Wowereit
Governing Mayor and Senator for Culture of Berlin
Patronage 2006/07
Mr. Bernd Neumann
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media
Patronage 2005/06
Ms. Christina Weiss, PhD
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media

The Prize //
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD (DDAA), established in 2005, honours the most influential artists in the area of digital art for their life’s work or for an important series of works. The award is the first major international one of its kind and is bestowed for exceptional achievements in the area of digital art.
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD is endowed with 20,000 Euros and is awarded every two years. The laureate is celebrated the following year with a solo exhibtion at our partner institution along with a catalogue.
The award is presented by the Digital Art Museum (DAM), started in 1998 by the founder and director Wolf Lieser. DAM launched as virtual museum at in 2000. Derived from that the first gallery opened in 2003 in the centre of Berlin. Today the name DAM enjoys an international reputation, while the online museum has become one of the leading and most influential sources for digital art worldwide. In addition to its main sectors of activities involving classical exhibitions on the premises in Berlin and the dissemination and archiving of information, the objective of its museum activities is to ensure that fifty years of international digital art and its claim to great experimental and innovative spirit are afforded due regard and recognition.
Patronage 2008/09
Mr. Klaus Wowereit
Governing Mayor and Senator for Culture of Berlin
Patronage 2006/07
Mr. Bernd Neumann
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media
Patronage 2005/06
Ms. Christina Weiss, PhD
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media

The Prize //
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD (DDAA), established in 2005, honours the most influential artists in the area of digital art for their life’s work or for an important series of works. The award is the first major international one of its kind and is bestowed for exceptional achievements in the area of digital art.
The DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD is endowed with 20,000 Euros and is awarded every two years. The laureate is celebrated the following year with a solo exhibtion at our partner institution along with a catalogue.
The award is presented by the Digital Art Museum (DAM), started in 1998 by the founder and director Wolf Lieser. DAM launched as virtual museum at in 2000. Derived from that the first gallery opened in 2003 in the centre of Berlin. Today the name DAM enjoys an international reputation, while the online museum has become one of the leading and most influential sources for digital art worldwide. In addition to its main sectors of activities involving classical exhibitions on the premises in Berlin and the dissemination and archiving of information, the objective of its museum activities is to ensure that fifty years of international digital art and its claim to great experimental and innovative spirit are afforded due regard and recognition.
Patronage 2008/09
Mr. Klaus Wowereit
Governing Mayor and Senator for Culture of Berlin
Patronage 2006/07
Mr. Bernd Neumann
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media
Patronage 2005/06
Ms. Christina Weiss, PhD
Commissioner of the Federal Government
for Culture and Media

The Experts
Nominations were made on the basis of suggestions submitted by advising and nominating experts.
Dominique Moulon, Paris, France
Tina Sauerländer, Marseille, France/ Munich, Germany
Domenico Quaranta, Milano, Italy
Pau Waelder, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Wolf Lieser, Berlin, Germany
Barbara London, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Rudolf Frieling, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA
Laura Sillars, FACT, Liverpool, Vereinigtes Königreich
Douglas Dodds, Victoria + Albert Museum, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Yoshiyuki Abe, Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Itsuo Sakane, Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Rejane Spitz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
Gerfried Stocker, Künstlerischer Leiter Ars Electronica, Linz, Österreich
Dr. Heike Piehler, Bielefeld
Jean Gagnon, Executive Director, The Daniel Langois Foundation, Montreal, Kanada
Jasia Reichardt, Kurator, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Bonnie Mitchell, Director of Siggraph Art Gallery. 2006
Steve Dietz, Kurator und Direktor der ISEA 2006
Keith Watson, Galerist und Kurator für Digitale Kunst, London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Peter Weibel, Direktor des ZKM, Karlsruhe
Paul Brown, Künstler und Autor, Gaststipendiat an der Fakultät für Kunstgeschichte, Film und Visuelle Medien am Birkbeck College, Universität von London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Anne-Marie Duguet, Professorin für Kunst und Kritik an der Universität von Paris, Sorbonne, Frankreich und Direktorin des Sorbonne Zentrums für ästhetische Forschung zu Film und audiovisuellen Medien
Dr. rer. nat. Frieder Nake, Professor für Computerwissenschaften in Bremen, Künstler und Autor im Bereich digitaler Medien
Anne Morgan-Spalter, visuelle Computerforscherin in der Brown University Computer Graphics Research Group und außerordentliches Fakultätsmitglied am Bereich Computerwissenschaften der Brown University, USA, Künstlerin und Autorin im Bereich digitaler Medien
Dr. Christiane Paul, Kuratorin für Neue Medien am Whitney Museum in New York, USA, Autorin im Bereich Digitaler Medien
Frieder Nake, Germany (nominated by Dominique Moulon, Paris)
Jennifer Steinkamp, USA (nominated by Tina Sauerländer, Marseille)
Rebecca Allen, USA (nominated by Domenico Quaranta, Milano)
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau (nominated by Pau Waelder, Palma de Mallorca)
Mark Wilson, USA (nominated by Wolf Lieser, Berlin)
Lillian Schwartz, USA
(nominated by Barbara London, Museum of Modern Art, New York)
Roy Ascott, United Kingdom
(nominated by Rudolf Frieling, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
Lynn Hershman Leeson, USA
(nominated by Laura Sillars, FACT, Liverpool)
Roman Verostko, USA
(nominated by Douglas Dodds, Victoria & Albert Museum, London)
Hiroshi Kawano, Japan
(nominated by Yoshiyuki Abe, Tokyo)
Herbert W. Franke, Germany
Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Japan
Robert Adrian, Austria
Charles Csuri, USA
Norman White, Canada
Manfred Mohr, Germany/USA
Roman Verostko, USA
Paul DeMarinis, USA
William Latham, United Kingdom
Jean-Pierre Hébert, France
Myron Krueger, USA
Tony Longson, United Kingdom
Vera Molnar, France
Georg Nees, Germany